Epistemology Dec 2021

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Author(s): |
1.Dr. Sabeen Akbar 2. Zainab Akram |
Abstract: |
The human mind is the central control unit of the human body. The entire activity and behavior of the body along with actions are dependent on the mind activity. The mind is capable to perform beyond its known capacities. It can build link and relations with the entities around. These associations have productive and damaging effects on human personality and relations with milieu. The Quran teaches and insists on building Husnu’l Zannwhich is a relation with Allah and everything that is suggested as righteous by reasons and logics of human mind for serenity. On the other hand, the study focuses on the concept of becoming by Italian philosophers Deleuze and Guattari, who explain the process of establishing mind link with every kind of entity possible, real or abstract. So, the study leads to an interesting comparison amid the two paradigms. It is found that Quran only encourages a conscious choice of link that proves productive for the entire milieu, whereas, the Italian philosophers discuss the unconscious possibility of link with any kind of entity. It is also found that Quran believes in a long-term association whereas the Italian philosophers elaborate a short-lived association. |
Keyword(s): |
: Quran, Mind, Husnu’l Zann, Human Personality, Relations |

Author(s): |
1.Maham Shahid 2. Mehar Tahir Farid 3. Asma Saher |
Abstract: |
Purpose - Intelligent machines' fiscal products and services in Islamic banking are now applied by more than 300 Islamic budgetary foundations set up in more than 75 nations. The Islamic banking has been received in certain parts more generally than others; the banking segment is among the couple of divisions that had demonstrated a moderate degree of acknowledgment and reception of this innovation. Further, the ecological system of Islamic finance comprises Islamic finance knowledge, awareness, governance, CSR, and quantitative development. These components have also let the Islamic finance advance globally, including both non-Islamic and Islamic nations. Islamic finance knowledge and awareness are the support system behind Islamic finance advancement; governance and CSR are the administration factors of Islamic finance advancement globally. The study thus has presented how different factors have combined to bring out such successful developments. Methodology - Industry of Islamic finance works inside a more extensive budgetary condition that is continually developing. For the business to succeed it in this manner should continually progress and enhance, not only to keep up the quality of the central business yet to remain on top of things. On the off chance that organizations advertise players, controllers, and different specialists have put forth decided attempts to search each other out to improve industry collaboration and arrangement. Along these lines, dependable data and information are basic to the achievement of these endeavors. Therefore, the examination has attempted to summarize hardly any exploration surveys about how the Islamic finance business has prospered with time. |
Keyword(s): |
Islamic finance, Islamic banking, Intelligent machine, |

Author(s): |
Dr. Sadia Gulzar |
Abstract: |
The foundation of Muslim brotherhood is based on faith which is the vigorous form of integration. Islam rejects the ideology of nationalism in favor of the concept of Ummah. Presently, Muslim countries have many internal issues like so-called terrorism, political instability and economic depression. In different parts of the world, Muslimsare facing unprecedented problems especially in Jammu and Kashmir, Palestine and Syria etc. Indian aggression continues in Kashmir, while Israel continues to attack Palestine. In fact, the Jews seek to build a Greater Israel. Syria is facing a civil war. Muslims, in many non-Muslim countries like India, where they are in minority, are suffering from worst circumstances. Unity of Islamic world is imperative for the protection of oppressed Muslims. Strong integration would save Muslims from the threat of external pressure. United leaders of Muslim countries will be in a strong position to effectively defend the rights of Muslims on international forum and international platform. The purpose of this research paper is to describe the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, Palestine and Syria and lays emphasis on the importance of Muslim unity to save oppressed Muslims from further oppression. This research paper follows content analysis. |
Keyword(s): |
Oppressed Muslim, Jammu and Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, Unity |

Author(s): |
1.Izzat Raazia 2. Dr. Muhammad Usman Askari |
Abstract: |
The issue of extremist Islamist separatism remains problematic to secular France. France has been the target of terrorist offensives and extremist activities since the 2015 terrorist offensive on Charlie Hebdo. French leadership viewed France as the target of extremist ideology due to its different culture, identity, values, Laicite and Freedom of Speech and labelled it ‘Islamist Separatism’. France hosts the largest population of Muslim origin in Western Europe that is an un-integrated society, named as ‘Muslim Challenge’. Whether, it is the fear of Islam, racism against Muslims or Muslims’ failure to assimilate in French culture and identity by rejecting Republican values and French model of integration. The French rooted people think increasing Muslim population as the emergence of parallel society and a cultural threat in France. In order to counter this threat, French President Macron declared a plan to reform Islam with the objective to create a new version of French Islam by regulating the religious practices of French Muslims as a necessary condition of integration. French Muslims considered this idea as an intervention in the practice of faith. Moreover, the French state is failed to distinguish between Islam and Islamist extremism. This study is an attempt to unravel the phenomenon that French Muslims are considered out group and assimilation and integration of Muslims in secular France remains problematic by employing a post-colonial perspective of Frantz Fanon. The main argument of the study is that French leadership wants to transform France into homogenous society and not a multicultural, multiple racialized and a diverse society |
Keyword(s): |
Islamophobia, France, Muslims, Integration, President Macron. |

Author(s): |
Fayyaz Hussain |
Abstract: |
The Islamic Research Index (IRI) database is a combined initiative of Higher Education Commission and Allama Iqbal Open University since 2016. IRI database provides free access to 65 full text journals including almost 11 thousand peer reviewed articles of Islamic Studies. More than 23 million users from all over the world have taken advantage from IRI. The aim of this study is to measure the awareness and use of IRI database among the Islamic Scholars, University of the Punjab, Pakistan. A quantitative survey was used for this study. A total of 381 Islamic Scholars in University of the Punjab were the population. The response rate was 95%,362 questionnaires were recorded and analyzed. Findings of the study showed that most of the scholars 305 (84.25%) are aware of IRI. The regular users of IRI are 158 (43.64%). They are using this database for downloading articles, for assignment and seeking information. Most of them 251 (69.33%) are satisfied from its utility. It is also seen that all scholars are using some kind of databases. Slow response of website, similar key words for different type of articles and different key words for similar articles, complex presentation of interface are the main problem faced by the participants. It is suggested by the participants that IRI database needs to develop a regular marketing strategy, arrange lectures and trainings for its better use. This is the first study of its kind in Islamic Studies domain. Hopefully it will be a useful source for learning and decision making. The research will be unique as an addition in literature of this research area. |
Keyword(s): |
Islamic Research Index; Islamic Studies; online resources; electronic resources |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Amir Hayat 2. Dr. Syeda Sadia |
Abstract: |
Total number of skilled and knowledgeable people available in a society are called its human resources. In organizational context, workforce is termed as human resource of that organization. Recent studies have shown a positive link between human resource development and organizational performance. Business organizations incorporate several strategies to develop their human resources to achieve the objective of higher productivity and performance. In global business environment, where local cultures and beliefs are part of organizational development policies, Islamic values cannot be denied. Although HRD is new concept however its basic functions are deep rooted into old concepts of knowledge and skill development. Islam also presents its unique perspectives on human development. In Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet there are many guidelines that refine the personalities of the personnel. Islamic concepts of vicegerent hood, knowledge acquisition, training, accountability, etc are essential constituents of HRD function in Islam. These values positively affect human personality that ultimately results in organizational productivity and performance. Through qualitative analysis important attributes of HRD in Islamic context are highlighted in this paper. It is concluded that Islamic framework of HRD is holistic in nature and provides basis for individual as well as organizational performance enhancement |
Keyword(s): |
Islam, HRD, Western Model of HRD, Purification of Self, Performance |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Abdul Quddus Sial 2. Amjad Hussain 3. Yasir Munir |
Abstract: |
People of Pakistan are governed under the Pakistan Constitution 1973. All constitutional characteristics are of profound interest of each individual of the society. Astonishingly, most of the features, neither properly exist nor expected to grow in near future; instead, they are reverting back by the passage of time. Judicial organ with all its perks and privilegesis illuminating yet facing criticism on escalating litigation backlog. Bar Councils and Associations are losing professionalism. Legal fraternity, to some extent, is abusing their facts finding mission and not performing their contributory role as officers of courts. This fragmentation has produced inclination in legal practitioners to practice alternative irregular options outside the courts. Witnesses’ credibility has been pushed at stake and testimonial tendency is decreasing. Genuine litigants are losing hope for timely justice and frivolous litigation is increasing for vested interests and defeating the cause of justice. The current study is aimed at investigating root causes of delay in disposal of cases, expressed or implied obstruction by legal professionals, evading tendencies of administration, ignorance of public for remedial and finally the decreasing role of judiciary for keeping the justice system at track. The doctrinal method of research has been adopted to conduct the study. |
Keyword(s): |
Justice System, Legal system, Legal profession, Professionalism, Delay of justice, Social justice, Independence of judiciary, Pakistan. |

Author(s): |
1.Shafiq ur Rehman 2. Dr. Hafiz Abdul Qayyum |
Abstract: |
A Characteristic of the Arabic language is the possibility of fronting and pre-posing the sentence elements. It enables the speaker or writer to front whatever he/she wishes for the purpose of meaning or order of importance or chronological order. Fronting and pre-posing are found in both grammar and rhetoric. Being a text, the Holy Quran follows the linguistic conventions and has also demonstrated the principle of fronting and pre-posing. In the Holy Quran, where the style of fronting and pre-posing is adopted, having many benefits i.e. to make excellent the sentence structure and to intent the conception on any specific meaning in this regard. So after adopting this style ,it is not possible to be useless regarding the textual and meaningful benefits. Without achieving these benefits, the style of fronting and pre-posing in a sentence will be useless. Moreover it will create difficulties and complications for the reader and listener .Finally, we can say that any such eloquent language can’t face with these demerits. To keep in view this realty, we can also say that the Holy Quran is free from such errors due to have highest rank in the series of world books. |
Keyword(s): |
Fronting and Pre-posing, Grammar and Rhetoric, Conception on Specific meaning, Textual and meaningful benefits |

Author(s): |
1.Ayesha Qaisar 2. Dr. Mustaeez Ahmad Alvi |
Abstract: |
Philosophy & Religion share some basic elements to ponder over; the concept of Good & Evil, is one of the most important notions in these both searches and explanations of the Reality. Since the time immemorial, Religion has inculcated to human mind the basic concepts of good and evil; the Holy Qur’an has given a comprehensive philosophy of Good & Evil in its universal paradigm. The Philosophy has taken up this subject in its particular way. Good is associated with life of happiness, love & justice. Evil is considered to be a deliberate wrongdoing, discrimination designed to harm others. The following study introduces the basic concepts about good and evil, as it is explained by the important philosophical theories presented by philosophers. On the other hand, this study explains the divinely inculcated concepts about Khair o Shar in the noble Qur’an, as interpreted by its exegesis. |
Keyword(s): |
Nature & Reality, Good & Evil, Philosophy & Religion, Morality & Ethics. |

Author(s): |
1.Hafsa 2. Farzana Khalid |
Abstract: |
The Holy Quran is the greatest gift of Allah Almighty to Humanity which is revealed in the most eloquent language, uncontaminated text and undiluted meaning. A distinguish aspect of the novelty of Quran is preservation, as stated that this Reminder is revealed by Allah and He will preserve it. The Word of Allah is revealed in Arabic language but it overwhelmed Arabs with its linguistic & literal supremacy, similarly the other miracles are esteemed i.e. innovative narration of previous stories, true predictions, information of unseen, elements of solace & comfort, unique order, eloquence, rhythmical & phonetical excellence, perfect grammatical structure etc. Hence Miracles of Quran is an eminent part of Uloom ul Quran. Many classical & modern writers enriched literature regarding Miracles of Quran and as well as demonstrates many salient features & hidden aspects. In this article, an attempt has been made to describe the miracles of Quran & illustrate the work of two scholars in this field |
Keyword(s): |
Miracles of Quran, Ijaz Ul Quran, Theory of Rummani & Jurjani. |

Author(s): |
1.Zobia Parveen 2. Dr. Hafiz Abdul Qayyum |
Abstract: |
All schools of thought have consensus upon the fact that the Quran is prime source of Islamic Shariah. This holy book is considered primary and the latest divine source of knowledge and guidance for ultimate success of mankind in this world and hereafter.The Muslims have made tremendous efforts to facilitate better understanding of the Quran which led to the production of great and significant corpus of knowledge being classified as Tafsir literature. The commentators adopted different methods and rules to explain the Holy Quran. The Quran is interpreted upon the base of other verses of the Quran, hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and statements of the Companions and Successors. This type of tafsir is considered the most authentic and reliable.First principle of the commentary of the Holy Quran is the explanation of the Quran by the Quran. It means that one part of the Quran is explained by its other parts. So, the Holy Quran itself is the key source of its interpretations.Since the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBU) to present-day, explanation of the Quran by the Quran is considered the best and foremost rule of exegesis. It is not appropriate for any commentator of the Quran to ignore it. So, it is needed to conduct a comprehensive critical study of existing exegeses to evaluate that whether commentators have executed this rule in exegeses or not.This study also aims to examine the boundaries and importance of explanation of the Quran by the Quran. This paper deals with the chronological introduction and evaluation of the implementation and application of this rule in specific exegeses from Urdu exegetic literature in the sub-continent of twentieth century. |
Keyword(s): |
Exegetic literature, Sub-continent, Exegesis, Successors, Commentary, Interpretation, Implementation |

Author(s): |
Dr. Sabahat Afzal |
Abstract: |
The concept of revelation is found in all the Semitic religions. The divine knowledge, it is believed, was revealed to the prophets through revelation. However, the status of Quran as a revealed book has been disputed among the orientalists who have propounded different views regarding revelation as proclaimedby the Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.). Some of the orientalists consider it the creative work of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) as they try to prove him a learned man. It has also been explained as the voice of Prophet’s (S.A.W.) unconscious mind, or his dreams. Those orientalists who believe it to be a real spiritual experience, interpret it as a private spiritual experience only which according to them cannot be considered a prophetic experience of revelation. In this article, an attempt has been made to analyse all such orientalists’ theories regarding revelation in the light of Quran, Hadith and authentic seerah traditions. |
Keyword(s): |
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.), Revelation, Orientalism, Material Historicism, Seerat-un-Nabi ( S.A.W.). |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Asghar Ali Khan 2. Tahir Mahmood 3. Dr. Tahir Aslam |
Abstract: |
This study is fcused upon the work o f Mian Muhammad Bakhsh in his poetry about Quranic verses and presentation of their meanings in his poetry.Mīān Muhammad Bakhsh was a Sufi saint and a Western Punjabi Hindko and Persian poet regarded as the Rumi of Hind in Indian subcontinent. He belonged to the Qadri tariqah. He is especially renowned as the author of a book of poetry called Sayful Mulūk as well as the romance tragedy Mirza Sahiban. His works include: Siharfi, Sohni Mahiwal, Tuhfah-e-Miran, Tuhfah-e-Rasuliyah, Shireen Farhad, Qissa Sakhi Khavass Khan, Qissa Shah Mansur, Gulzar-e Faqar, Hidayatul Muslimin, Panj Ganj etc. He also wrote a commentary on the Arabic Qasidat-ul-Burda of al-Busiri and his most famous work is entitled Safarul ‘Ishq (Journey of Love), but it is best known as Saif-ul-Maluk.He used a lot of Quranic Verces and their meanings in his poetry. He metaphoricaly represented Quranic understandings in his poetry. The excessive use of Quranic phrases makes his poetry unique and appealing. |
Keyword(s): |
Mian Muhammad Bakhsh Poetry, Quranic verses |

Author(s): |
1.Ayesha Tariq 2. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saad Siddiqui |
Abstract: |
Hadith is the second main source of Islamic Law, valid forever. Hadith was transmitted in two ways.one is narration by words (Riwayatbillafz) and the other is narration in the meaning (Riwayatbilmana). One group of Traditionalists opposes Hadith’s narration in the meaning while the other gives permission with some conditions. Orientalists have made objection on the narration of Hadith in this way, The Traditionalists have clear the blame in a very sensible mode. The article deals with the above mentioned issues in detail. |
Keyword(s): |
Hadith Narration, Hadith Authenticity. |

Author(s): |
1.Sonia Hanif 2. Dr. Muhammad Farooq Haider |
Abstract: |
aImām Shāṭibī: a legist and jurist of Eighth Century whose methodology of explaining Uṣūl al- Sharī‘a is quite exceptional and different from that of all other legists. His juristic and scholastic insight is well portrayed in his book “Al-Muwafaqāt fī Uṣūl al- Sharī‘a”. One part of the book is especially dedicated to the sources of Shari‘a. Imām Shāṭibī has discussed the Sunnah as a source of Sharī‘a through ten issues. In all those addressed issues, he declared Sunnah as an explanation to the Qur’ān. He proclaims that every ruling of Sunnah is always backed up by either brief or detailed text of the Qur’ān. Therefore, rulings of the Sunnah are also considered to be principles of the Qur’ān. The methodology of Imām Shāṭibī, regarding explanation to the Sunnah, is unique in a sense that he associated the Qur’ānic injunctions with Maṣāliḥ Thalātha (three public interests), Ḍarūriyāt (necessities), Ḥājiyāt (essentials) and Taḥsīniyāt (refinements). He, through explaining the objectives of Sharī‘a like preservation of religion, life, intellect, wealth and race in the light of these principles, determined the legal and explicatory status of Sunnah that it complements and explains all these principles and rules. |
Keyword(s): |
: Imām Shāṭibī, Al-Muwafaqāt, Sunnah, Sharī‘a,Maṣāliḥ Thalātha |

Author(s): |
Dr. Zil e Huma |
Abstract: |
The discipline of Hadith Sciences is of the richest and exclusive discipline of knowledge as its branches extend to hundred. The religious scholars have written thousands monographs concerning Hadith interpretations and explanations. Many voluminous works appeared and exist and each of them is a commendable contribution to Hadith explanations. One of the significant works on Hadith explanations is “Takmila Fath-al-Mulhim” that is the result of scholastic efforts of many years by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. This explanations of Hadith Book Muslim was originated and finished till the “Section of Marriage” but he could not extend to it to the last chapter due to his political engagements and later his demise closed the chapter. Mutfi Muhammad Usmani completed the remaining work in eighteen years and nine months. Arbaic grammar consists of two main fields: syntax and morphology. Syntax is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language. It studies the foundation of the sentences and the structures. Apart from other discussions, the syntactic deliberations of words of Prophetic traditions have been taken under consideration in the commentaries in the book. The articles provides handsome information in this regards. |
Keyword(s): |
Syntax, Structure, Takmila, Sharah, Sahi Muslim |

Author(s): |
1.Zobia Sarwar 2. Dr. Malik Kamran |
Abstract: |
: Islam, being a natural religion, particularly accentuates on mutual social partnership and welfare. Islamic injunctions underscore the formation of a society where individuals are imbued with the beliefs of cooperation and compassion. Guardianship / Patronage has exceptional significance in Islam. The Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH made special arrangements, in his life, for the upbringing and support of the orphans, needy, widows and indigent persons. It becomes apodictic from every aspect of the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH that the companions of the prophet took the guardianship of the people who couldn't afford the necessities of life. In this research article, the practical examples of guardianship set by the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH have been consecrated in detail. In this contemporaneous era, when the abject poverty, destitution and penury is forging class division in a society, it has become indispensable to reintroduce the system of guardianship And acquire the necessary instructions regarding guardianship from the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH |
Keyword(s): |
Guardianship, Welfare, Destitution, Contemporaneous, Indispensable. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Shahida Parveen |
Abstract: |
:Islam is the code of lifestyles for every and anybody, the message of Islam to all consisting of our disabled and bodily impaired brothers and sisters is one in all wish and persistence. in the Qur’an, Allah the Almighty has promised us that “with every worry there is a remedy,” Allah creates and recreates something He desires. He has created human beings in unique races, colorings, and with differing abilities. some are endowed with positive abilties and abilities even as missing those talents (physical or otherwise) and as a result are disabled, or physically impaired. This paper will highlight the teaching and exercise of Holy Prophet saw in above said area and advocate an appropriate measures to establish these individuals inside the modern-day Muslim international. |
Keyword(s): |
Physically impaired, differing abilities, Prophetic course, chronic illness, and high-placed, Shari`ah matter |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Mahmood Ahmad 2. Dr. Muhammad Hammad 3.Maqsood Ahmad |
Abstract: |
Qital is inevitable but it is not a purpose itself.The purpose of Qital in the sake of Allah is to ensure peace and eliminate anarchy.It,s example is like surgery.It,s pain is for relief.This permanent relief is not possible without temporary pain.The prophet made an agreement with Jews as he came to Madina but Jews does not leave their conspiracies. Pagans of Makkah already had bad behavior with Muslims. Other tribes were also against Islam due to the fear of end of their supremacy.The whole penausola of Arab was absolutely peaceless. Total number of Ghazwat and Siraaia in which any body killed is only 28. According to the research study conducted by Syed Salman Mansoorpuri 1014 persons were killed from both sides in all Ghazwat. In fact actual principle of Jihad o Qitaal is to make the opponents optionless to the extent that they may surrender towards the peace. In the result of Jihad o Qitaal of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) the peace established to the extent that a lonely woman travelled (a long journey) from Heera or Sana,a (city) to Makkah (to perform Pilgrimage) and she does not fear any one except Allah. Before that, however, the condition of the Arabian Peninsula was such that even large caravans accompanied expert leaders and bodyguards. |
Keyword(s): |
Jihad & Qital, Peace be Upon Him, Ennd of Persecution and Corruption, Gazwat wa Sarya, Muslim Ummah. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Siddique 2. Dr. Sultan Mahmood Khan |
Abstract: |
Despite the fact that the environment is continually changing, employed women face numerous challenges. Women have been oppressed for a long time, according to history. In Greece, Egypt, Iraq, India, and China, mountains of oppression against women have fallen in every part of every country. A widow was cremated on her husband's coffin in several cultures. Woman was thought to be the source, the door, and the personification of sin in several religions. Belonging to it was thought to be a hindrance to spiritual growth. In most of the world's civilizations, she had no social standing. She lacked economic and political rights, and she couldn't even freely trade. She didn't have a free will, no authority over anyone, and she didn't even have the right to protest. In most cases, the weak must strive hard to obtain their rights.Then they will be able to obtain their legal rights, which would otherwise be unimaginable. After many trials and demonstrations, the modern era has recognized some of the basic rights of women, and it is regarded as a blessing of this age, even though it is a blessing of Rahmat-ul-lil-Aalmn (صلى الله عليه وسلم'(s teachings. These rights were granted in Islam not because women demanded them, but because they were natural, fundamental, and human rights for women. Islam has given women a position and prestige in society that is significantly more practical than modern and ancient customs. More than thirty quantitative and qualitative research studies are already conducted to highlight the issues of Pakistani employed women, hence this article mentions those responsibilities as well as issues, and discusses the solutions from Rahmat-ul-lil-Aalmīn(صلى الله عليه وسلم‘(s teachings. |
Keyword(s): |
Employed Women, Pakistani Women, Responsibilities, Issues, Solutions, Teachings of Rahmat-ul-lil-Aalmīn. |

Author(s): |
1.Muhammad Iqbal 2. Dr. Muhammad Zahid Latif |
Abstract: |
Fasad literally means mischief, while disobedience to God is termed as corruption. The literal meaning of fitna is trial and termly anything that changes a person's thoughts and ideas is called fitna. In all the popular books of hadiths, the muhaddithin have combined all the hadiths and traditions in which the words of corruption and fitna are used by establishing the title of “Abwab-ul-Fitn” or “Kitab-ul-Fitn”. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) informed the ummah of the situation and events leading up to the Day of Resurrection and informed them of the possible dangers and fears. In the same way, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) warned the ummah in advance of the tribulations that would appear near the Day of Resurrection or the ways in which the ummah could be misled. In the present article, the application of mischief and sedition to various crimes has been analyzed in the context of Hadith. |
Keyword(s): |
corruption, fitna, crime, tradition, application. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Shaista Jabeen 2. Dr. Shahida Parveen |
Abstract: |
Effective speaking can be defined as speaking in such a way that one’s message is clearly heard and, if possible, acted upon. There are two main elements to speak effectively: what you want to say ,and how you say it. What you say means your choice of words . The words you might use when talking with different people are not the same . Similarly, the way that you will speak will also vary in different situations. Effective speaking actually means being able to say what you want to say in such a way that it is heard and acted upon. Short but effective speaking has power to change history. The right combination of words and gestures can inspire people, spur them into action, and get them to dedicate themselves to a cause. Talking points take just minutes to develop, yet they can prevent hours to lost to unclear and misspoken messages. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has the attribute of keeping words short and simple to make them effective. The article deals with the psychological benefits of short and effective speaking in the light of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) way of talking. |
Keyword(s): |
Shorter, Effectiveness, Mental Health, Human Psychology, Urgency. |

Author(s): |
1.Hafiz Muhammad Saeed Ahmad 2. Prof. Dr. Hafiz Mahmood Akhtar |
Abstract: |
The presentation of Seerah or the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) in different patterns and with different approaches has been an important subject of interest for the muslim scholars of the past, present, and will be remain in future. The Seerah of Muhammad(SAWW) has different interpretations among the muslims. This activity has been persist through the Islamic history.In seerah writung many authors wrote every thing without athenticity but one group always maintaine athentincity in this field.AL-Rahiq is international awarded book.The authoar completed his book by only correct narrations and athentic references. This paper is about the contribution of Mulana Safi-ul-Rehman Mubarkpuri with a special reference to his book "Al-Rahiq ul-Makhtoom". |
Keyword(s): |
Seerah of Muhammad(SAW), Al-Rahiq ul –Makhtoom, Safi-ulRehman Mubarikpu |

Author(s): |
1.Syed Farhan Hussain Shah 2. Dr. Atif Aslam Rao |
Abstract: |
In this article it is endeavoured to explain that Mutual collateral is commonly used in Islamic banks to finance solid assets, and sometimes in a business to meet the financing needs of a joint venture. "According to Shariah standards, the controversial partnership is one of the types of polytheism." The interaction of conventional Islamic banks suggests that they give it the status of a state-owned company. Among the things that are usually financed through joint ventures in Islamic banks are house financing, car financing, plots and machinery financing. Controversial and divisive practices in Islamic banks are the issues that dominate the other affairs of these banks. Most of the contracts and transactions are under these issues. On the contrary, it would not be wrong to say that interest banks The main business of the Islamic Bank is to lend at interest, similarly the real business of Islamic banks is "controversial and controversial partnerships". The main purpose of establishing an Islamic bank is to protect society from interest and financial oppression and exploitation and to implement Islamic economic system. Had to make serious efforts. Therefore, in the beginning, the scholars decided that the Islamic Bank would pay more attention to partnership issues such as Mudaraba and Musharaka, and since the Islamic Bank faced difficulties in the beginning, Marabaha and Mutnaqada were included in the Islamic banking system for the transitional period. Was included, but many scholars did not even allow it for the transitional period. Now that the Islamic Bank has gone through its infancy and reached a mature stage, it should have been the case that the banks which had initially adopted Marabaha as a transitional system should gradually abolish it and move towards Mudaraba and Musharaka. , But the situation is quite the opposite. |
Keyword(s): |
Musharkah, Murabiha, MusharkahMutnaqisa, Riba. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Munazza Hayat 2. Zuha Qaisar 3. Hafiz Intizar Ahmad |
Abstract: |
At the collective level, a man has the responsibility to reform himself; on the other hand he also has the responsibility to reform other members of society.In the society the principle is that every individual is responsible and accountable for his actions, but the members of the society who are not only self-sufficient but also in some respects. One is about oneself and the other is about the people concerned. Parents are responsible for the training of their children. The teacher is responsible for the training of his students. However, in a certain sphere this duty belongs to a group of Muslims. It is entrusted to him to become a "Da'i al-Khair" and to engage in the work of reforming and training the people with the spirit of benevolence. This article reviews that there is a need to publicize the true teachings of Islam, to introduce humanity to its virtues and to dispel misconceptions about it, and to bring the concept of Islam to the forefront. At present, experts are recognizing the importance of social sciences due to social problems Therefore, it was necessary to work on this topic. |
Keyword(s): |
: Islam, Concept, Training, Students, Universities. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Syed Bacha Agha |
Abstract: |
It is our duty to act as true representatives of Islam and behave in accordance to the Islamic tenets. We are expected to treat our fellow beings with love and honesty, to respect them and always be available to them whenever they are in need, whatever may be the kind of their need. The Holy Prophet PBUH says: The most beloved of people to Allāh are those who are most beneficial to others, and the most beloved of deeds to Allāh is happiness that you bring to a fellow Muslim, or relieve him of distress, or pay off his debt, or expel from him hunger. For me to walk with my Muslim brother in his time of need is dearer to me than secluding myself in worship within the mosque for a month. Whoever holds back his anger, Allāh will cover his faults, and whoever suppresses his fury while being able to execute it, Allāh will fill his heart with satisfaction on the Day of Standing. Whoever walks with his Muslim brother in need until he fulfills his need for him, Allāh will establish his feet firmly on the day when all feet shall slip. Indeed, bad character ruins deeds just as vinegar ruins honey.. |
Keyword(s): |
Serving the People, Islamic Teachings, Traditions, Scope. |

Author(s): |
1.Hafiz Mudassar Farooq 2. Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah |
Abstract: |
The Rulers who rule the world are of different kinds. Some who always show off their mightiness, exploit the poor’s and ingratiate others by money. All those want to raise the power and even spread Anarchy for this purpose. On the contrary, there are Sufis who rule hearts have pure souls and in fact are the inheritors of the prophets.Their governing style emphasizes the inner rather than the outer. In addition to visiting various places for preaching, their monasteries were a sea of knowledge, Love and peace. Keeping in view this background, this paper discusses various aspects of Sufi monasteries especially with regard toKhwaja Nizam ul din Auliya. He taught spiritism, Philanthropy, Minority rights to many of his disciples through his School ( monastery). Most importantly, His own actions were in line with that. He positively revived the system of monasteries and broke many myths related this. This paper creates harmony among different cultures, religions, Sects and casts in light of his teachings |
Keyword(s): |
Sufis, Khanqah, Sufi monasteries, Khwaja Nizam ul din, spiritism, Philanthropy,myths |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Tahira Abdul Quddoos 2. Zulabia Iqbal 3. Prof. Dr. Mohsina Munir |
Abstract: |
: Freedom is a basic Human Right. Every person wants to enjoy his life without any restriction by others. Today youth has deviated from the righteous path. They have wrongly defined the terms and practices given by our religion. They not only misinterpret the Islamic values but also has absorb their fake meaning which is opening a door of freedom and modernism with false meanings. Islam provides freedom to live life but that does contain certain limits also which if crossed, the person get out of the Islamic core principles. Today’s youth have misconceived the true spirit of freedom narrated by Islam, this materialistic life has taken away from the youth, the sense of accountability before Allah Almighty. This change is restructuring the social fabric of society from roots which will ultimately bring devastating consequences. There is no second opinion that Islam allows for growth and adaptation and early Muslims have left great examples of it. There was an example of a natural adjustment that was fully informed by Islamic teachings; it did not damage the underlying values. And it tremendously enriched the new societies. The same healthy adaptation can happen today, with benefits for everyone. But the current propaganda machine presents core of Islamic culture as a great burden, and unfortunately millions of Muslims including the youth have left on their own self, in the name of freedom, liberty and modernism. Youth has forgotten that in the name of liberty and modernism they have opted the way that leads to the secularism. They remain unable to differentiate that the freedom given by the religion has to practice with in prescribed limits given by the injunctions of Islam. The above mentioned circumstances and bringing disaster into the underlying cultural values prearranged by Islam and they will bring inexorable terrifying consequences in Muslim society. |
Keyword(s): |
Islam, Muslim, Youth, Freedom, Modernism, Liberty, Society |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Sani 2. Mufti Bakht Shaid |
Abstract: |
: Extremism, intolerance, and violence are the major problems of this era. Due to which there are fights، quarrels, and unrest in society. The main reason is not following of religious teachings. Because religion teaches love and kindness. When Hadrat Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمthe Prophet of Allah came to this world, the world was in darkness and ignorance. Violence and intolerance were on the rise. Cruelty was everywhere. HadratMuahammad صلى الله عليه وسلمTaught humanity peace، tolerance, love, and brotherhood. As a result of Hadrat Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمteachings and Tarbiyah (training), intolerance, voiolence and extremism was eradicated from the society. Today, Muslim society is also a victim of atrocities and injustices. Islamic teachings must be followed to end violence in society. In this article we discuss the reasons and effects of intolerance, and violence and suggestions about it in the light of Islamic teachings. |
Keyword(s): |
Hadrat Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ,Islamic teachings, extremism, intolerance, violence. |

Author(s): |
1۔Hafiza Sadia Jawaid 2۔ Dr. Ihsan ur Rehman Ghauri |
Abstract: |
Pakistan is currently facing a severe environmental crisis. And to avoid the most devastating effects of this crisis and to tackle climate change, there is a limited time to take action. In this case, the global action against climate change is significant. From taxes to the environment, our rules and regulations are subject to government policies.These regulations have a profound effect on the public, we cannot reach "zero carbon" unless we correct these rules, and we are far from it. One problem is that when these rules were made. Climate change and its effects were not taken into account, regulators focused on other environmental issues, while today we are trying to reduce carbon emissions through these regulations. In such an endeavor, many important aspects remain incomplete and carbon sequestration is not possible. This study proposes new environment related laws ,policies and their implementions in Pakistan. Pakistan has a wide range of laws related to environment but the practice shows there is some problem which hinders to achieve the desired targets.This study mainly includes how to prioritize the environment in foreign policy and national security. At the end there are concluding remarks concerning the environmental laws and policies with some new suggestions and recommendations. |
Keyword(s): |
Climate change, Environmental crises, Environmental Laws & Polices. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Hajira Mariam |
Abstract: |
This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the Islamic belief in divine predestination and decree (iman bil-qadr walqadha) from the perspective of the Quran. It examines various verses from different chapters that discuss taqdir (predestination), analyzing their context, wording, styles of expression, and wisdom. The article highlights how the Quran presents the concept of taqdir as an integral part of faith, one of the fundamental articles of faith in Islam, elucidating its different aspects like Allah's knowledge, power, and wisdom. clarifications, amazement, etc. The difference between the terms qadr (divine decree) and qadha (divine ordainment) is also elaborated. The article underscores that the Quran does not repeat subjects verbatim but rather presents varied aspects using different styles to provide comprehensive understanding and remove ambiguity. Expressing the belief in predestination through diverse Quranic modes carries various wisdoms and objectives, such as affirming divine oneness, rejecting polytheism, indicating Allah's knowledge and power, and establishing the wisdom behind human accountability on the Day of Judgment. The article also addresses misconceptions and emphasizes taqdir's role in shaping human personality and strengthening one's faith. |
Keyword(s): |
: man bil-qadr wal- qadha, Quranic Modes of expression, Tawheed, Shirk, Allah’s Knowledge and Power, Divine Wisdom |