Epistemology Dec 2023

Author(s): |
Prof. Dr. Israr Ahmamd Khan |
Abstract: |
: Human beings are intrinsically equipped with capability to do good and inclination to commit sin (The Qur’an, 91:7-8). Due to human nature of forgetfulness and love for change, men and women may fall victim to their propensity to act sinfully. This situation calls for amelioration through the process of repentance comprising several dimensions and stages. This article represents a humble endeavor to reflect on definition, significance, dimensions, conditions, and ways of execution of repentance. The methodology applied in the discussion is critical analysis. The conclusion reached in the discussion is that opportunity to repent and reform is the only opportunity to get connected with Allah, the Superbly Magnanimous (al-Rahman), the Sublimely Gracious (al-Rahim) and the only way to do away with corruption on earth. |
Keyword(s): |
Doing Good, Committing Sin, Repentance, Human Nature, Critical Analysis. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Hafiz Arshid Iqbal |
Abstract: |
Among all the sources of knowledge, the primacy of revelation is distinct and well-established as it an authentic, pure and divine. As a prime source of knowledge, it is the touchstone on the basis of which we can evaluate the knowledge acquired through the five senses, intuition and intellect. Revelation is not only a standard base for other sources of knowledge, but it is also the one that refines, naturalizes and consummates those. The most prominent common thing between the first revelation and the last one is knowledge. Adam was given supremacy over the angels only due to knowledge. The first revelation revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he was instructed about the significance of knowledge. The three stakeholders in establishing revelation as a divine source of knowledge are Allah Almighty, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the archangel Gabriel. Man, in no way, is the creator of divine knowledge rather he is at the receiving end. In the following pages, the transcendence and pre-eminence of revelation over the other sources of knowledge as well as the features and distinctive characters of both will be explored. |
Keyword(s): |
Source of knowledge, five senses, intuition, revelation, intellect, empiricism, transcendence, pre-eminence |

Author(s): |
1. Hifsa Shabbir Ran 2. Prof. Dr. Mohsina Munir |
Abstract: |
The words of Qur’an have layers of meaning in it. Without understanding the literary forms of Qur’anic literature it is not possible to acknowledge the hidden meanings and intellectual aspects of Qur’an. The object of ‘’similitude”/Mathal and Metaphor/Istiara in Qur’an is to get understand the massage of Allah Almighty in better way because similes and Metaphor have been used in different ways and purposes by Allah Almighty. As in surah Al Ankabut: 43, of Holy Quran: “There are similitude explained for the people, who have knowledge can understand it”. In the use of Metaphor, Allah Almighty has invited to mankind in Holy Qur’an: “So announce! What are you commanded’’ in surah Alhajar: 94. The question is what is the purpose of similitudes and Metaphor in which kind of style these have explained in Qur’an? Like ; Allah Almighty has explained the eternity of truth and vanity of falsehood through similitude in Polychromic style ” Thus does Allah show forth the truth and vanity, from the scum disappears like froth cast ;while that which is good for mankind remains on the earth ‘’. This article will explain the kinds of similitude and Metaphor with the help of distinctive acknowledgment of Allama Badaruldin Aini in Umda-tul-Qari as well as other literary sources. |
Keyword(s): |
Similitude, Qur’an, Elaboration, Metaphor. Umda-tul-Qari |

Author(s): |
1. Sahib Din 2. Fraz Ahmad 3. Dr. Hafiz Asif Mehmood |
Abstract: |
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala has declared following the Prophet (PBUH) and obeying the Prophet (PBUH) to be necessary and obligatory. In this sense, the study of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) is extremely important, so that along with the commands and other commands and prohibitions of the Prophet (PBUH), as well as the knowledge of the likes and dislikes of the Prophet (PBUH). It is possible to describe the virtues, features, arguments and characteristics of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the light of the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Conquered territories from you are famous from Kufa. In the light of your narrations, the important aspects of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are revealed. In the light of the above traditions, it is known that the Companions of the Prophet (SAW) gave great importance to the Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) and it is also known how to pray after the prayer. To find a solution by keeping in mind the life of the Prophet (PBUH), ablution in the worship of the Prophet (PBUH), the method of prayer, the manners of eating and drinking, mentioning the Companions and Messengers of the Prophet (PBUH), how one should walk with the funeral, one should not walk stiffly on the ground, without a doubt. |
Keyword(s): |
Mughira, Biography, Marwiat, Tradition |

Author(s): |
1. Iqra Jahangir 2. Dr. Sadia Gulzar |
Abstract: |
Islam is a complete code for life. It offers comprehensive and universal guidance related to moral, economic and social aspects of human life. One of the main goal of Islam is to achieve social peace, for this purpose Quran has various Devine orders. The verse-31 of Surah AlMaidah has detailed all serious crimes in society that lead to polarization at the collective and individual level. Terrorism is also one of those crimes. Some scholars have explained the meaning of the word riot (Fasād’harāba) as terrorism. In this article, this study has been presented that although terrorism is a serious form of riot, it is not a substitute for the Qur'anic term due to several reasons. The purpose of this research paper is to study the term riot and terrorism and to conduct analysis whether these terms may or may not be used alternatively. The research paper is followed by descriptive and analytical methods. |
Keyword(s): |
Qur'an, Surah Al-Maidah, Terrorism, Fasād’, Harāba |

Author(s): |
Areeba Farooq |
Abstract: |
All divine religions are based on belief in oneness of God and prayers are made obligatory for the practical magnification in religions. This belief strengthens the relation between God and man. Salah is a dialogue between Allah and man and source of acquiring virtues. It is the second most important pillar of Islam. This ritual is supposed to be offered by all the Muslim regardless of their status and wealth. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also laid stress on the significance of prayers the most. This abstract explores the aesthetic dimensions of Salah (Islamic prayer), highlighting its multifaceted beauty and spiritual significance. Salah encompasses not only the physical acts of worship but also various aesthetic elements that contribute to its richness and depth. These include the adornment of attire, the emphasis on cleanliness, punctuality in prayer timings, and the rhythmic repetition of bowing and prostration. Additionally, the recitation of the Quran during Salah adds a melodious dimension, enhancing its aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, individual and collective aspects such as the alignment of rows and the cultivation of humility and devotion further enrich the aesthetic experience of Salah. By embracing these aesthetic aspects, worshippers immerse themselves in a profound spiritual journey, experiencing a harmonious blend of physical movements, vocal recitation, and inner contemplation, ultimately elevating their connection with the Divine. In this paper the aesthetic aspects of salah are explored through moderation in the performance of Salah, recitation of the Quran in Salah, virtues of humility, submissiveness, and straightening the rows, adornment of clothing, cleanliness, punctuality, repetition of bowing and prostration etc. which enhance the aesthetic beauty of worship and devotion. |
Keyword(s): |
Religion, Salah, Prayer, aesthetic, worship, God, virtues, cleanliness, punctuality, recitation, prostration, devotion. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Tahira Abdul Quddus 2. Fakhra Rani |
Abstract: |
Kifalat is to be responsible, to stand sponsor, to ensure and to maintain. Food, Clothing and accommodation of Parents are the fundamental as well as Islamic rights. State and children are responsible to ensure these basic rights of parents. Land of the pure does not have any comprehensive constitutional protection to the basic necessities of Parents as enshrined in Islamic principles. The privileges of Parents and obligations of children to them have greatly been emphasized in all the Religions of the world in general and especially in Islam. In light of Guidelines laid in Holy Quran and the Hadith, Jurists of all Sects in Islam are unanimous that financially stable Children are bound to support their parents who are unable to maintain themselves. In west, tendency of leaving Parents at the disposal of Old Homes is at climax. Here, in Asian Societies, this trend is also getting light of the day. In instant era of rapid downfall of morality and ethics in Pakistan, the majority of Broods in Pakistani Society are found having least interest in taking care of their Parenthoods and this practice is totally against the Spirit of Islam. Race to follow western dominated Civilization, Materialism, Character-lessness and Modernity have deteriorated the very norms of Islamic Society. Some Concrete and urgent steps in right direction of proclamation of new legislations ensuring the basic rights of parents are need of the hour. This Pakistani society created upon Islamic Principles is at its threshold in absence of Tangible Legislation. |
Keyword(s): |
Kifalat, Guardianship, rights of parents, Islamic Sharia |

Author(s): |
1. Muhammad Ahmad Raza 2. Rabia Tus Saleha |
Abstract: |
This research explains the causes and the solutions of the tendency of takfīr in Pakistan. In this perspective, the paper covers fundamental rulings of takfīr while citing distinct narratives of the jurists and leading towards a collective and inclusive narrative. The best solution to eradicate the tendency of takfīr is the introduction, awareness as well as implementation of the rulings of takfīr through a proper jurisdiction as prescribed by jurists under the conception of Sharī‘ah. Sharī‘ah classifies a‘māl(actions) and ʻaqīdah(belief) under two different categoriesacknowledged as thet wo sole bases of Islam. Implication of Fatwā-e-Takfīr will be executed just on contradicting with ʻaqīdah. While, a contradiction with the rulings ofa‘mālwill never lead to the implication of Fatwā-e-Takfīr. These rulings and recommendations are vigorous to build a peaceful society while preventing hatred, extremism and violence in a society. Additionally, the paper presents certain examples from contemporary era that identify the tendency of takfīr and prejudice at a large scale in the current society, being irrespective to prescribed rulings. This paper will help to build and advance a peaceful society while eradicating the tendency of takfīr. |
Keyword(s): |
takfīr, fatwā, fatwākufar, tafarqa, sectarianism |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Salma Razzaq 2. Dr. Hafiz Aftab Ahmad |
Abstract: |
The discussion surrounding the historical existence of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, as articulated by Robert Spencer, enters contentious territory blending academia, religion, and culture. Spencer's scepticism challenges the established consensus on Muhammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم existence, presenting a thesis demanding rigorous examination. This research aimed to evaluate Spencer's arguments and methodology, finding critical shortcomings. It analysed Spencer's approach, revealing flaws in reasoning and lack of empirical support. Spencer's use of scholarly material appears subjective, favouring revisionist sources and lacking direct references to original works, raising concerns about scholarly integrity. His methodological inconsistencies and selective criticism of sources undermine argument coherence. Additionally, his handling of evidence, such as dismissing non-Muslim texts mentioning Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم within 100 years of his death, reflects a lack of balance. Spencer's critique of Islamic texts appears disproportionately focused on later transmission and internal inconsistencies, neglecting nuanced analysis. Ultimately, the research concluded that Spencer's thesis lacks scholarly rigour and balance, failing to establish a compelling argument against Muhammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم historical existence. This research, employing a qualitative research design, aims to deepen comprehension of historical discussions surrounding Prophet Muhammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم existence, enabling critical assessment of Spencer's arguments through scholarly discourse |
Keyword(s): |
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Robert Spencer’s thoughts. |

Author(s): |
1. Atruba Nawaz 2. Dr. Muhammad Samiullah |
Abstract: |
This article delves into the pivotal role of Muslim women in the advancement of society. Acknowledged as the primary architects of human development, women have, throughout history, rendered significant contributions, ranging from nurturing families and communities to assuming leadership roles at the national level. The narrative highlights exemplary instances of Muslim women who have played pivotal roles in the construction and configuration of societies, engaging across diverse domains such as education, healthcare, politics, business, as peacemakers, and in the realms of science and technology. Their profound strength, resilience, and unyielding determination have not only inspired multiple generations but continue to resonate powerfully in contemporary times. Within this discourse, the article contextualizes its examination and assumptions by drawing upon the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. It offers a succinct contemplation on the present-day roles of Islamic women in society, the challenges they confront, and proposes viable solutions. |
Keyword(s): |
Muslim women, contribution, generation, society, household. |