Epistemology December 2022

Author(s): |
Prof. Dr. Israr Ahmad Khan |
Abstract: |
What raises man far above other creations, known and unknown is his ability to access to immensely immeasurable knowledge of the seen and the unseen worlds. Incredibly, the knowledge with all its discovered dimensions keeps day by day increasing due to the intellectual aptitude and caliber of man. The Qur‟an, the Last and the Final Revelation from Allah, the most sublime and the ultimate source of knowledge inspires mankind to learn and develop knowledge in its truest sense, which surely leads to the blissful life. The Qur‟an uses four main terms denoting knowledge, with each being essentially different from the other as to its meaning, direction, and purpose: (1) al-‘ilm, (2) al-ma’rifah, (3) al-hikmah, and (4) al-dirayah. The Qur‟an being the source of wisdom (perfection of knowledge) avers in no uncertain terms that knowledge needs to be developed systemically and in an organized manner/methodology. For that matter, the Qur‟an attracts attention of man to his/her three faculties marvelously ingrained in him/her, namely sam‘ (hearing), basar(seeing), and fu’ad (thinking). These three faculties constitute intellectual capacity of human being. When deliberated over the verses where these three constituents of human intellect are mentioned in the Qur‟an, one may realize that these terms seek to indicate to the comprehensive process of knowledge development. This research is aimed at discussing the various stages of development of knowledge in the light of the relevant verses of the Qur‟an. The methodology applied in the study is critical analysis combined with deductive analogy. The conclusion reached at therein is that the continuous human development entails continuous human endeavor to develop knowledge |
Keyword(s): |
Knowledge Development, the Qur‟an, Sam‘, Basar, Fu’ad, Constituents of Intellect. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Tayyaba Razzaq |
Abstract: |
This paper postulate sacred sites as a theoretical construct to study and analyze the status of non-Semitic religious holy places in south Asia. The diversity among the religious traditions represents the pattern of belief & practice in any religion. Religious dogma is mostly centered in the construction of sacred places and embodiment. This paper conceptualizes the various well known sacred sites of south Asia and its foundational values, core essence & deep sentimental roots. The paper employs religious sites as a hypothetical assemble of ethical, corporal, religious and highly spiritual conservationism; sacred sites are symbol & icons of faiths? It also seeks to investigate the beliefs of religious people about the sacred are fundamentally different from those held by others. The paper is confined on holy sites of the major four non-Semitic religions of south Asia; Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. After analyzing the sacred sites along with its location on maps and figures as well, it raises the question that stereotypes of the religious beliefs & practices are so widespread that a real effort is needed in order to discover „what a religion looks and feels like to its adherents‟. They are valued because of their association with a particular religion or saint and valued because of their association with rituals. Some location identified as sacred is left entirely alone, while in others the site has been transformed by human intervention. |
Keyword(s): |
Beliefs & practices, non-Semitic religions, sacred, transformed, hypothetical |

Author(s): |
1.Amna Bibi 2.Shahzeb Shafi |
Abstract: |
This study demonstrates the significant representatives of the comparative literature by comparing the views ofthe Sufi school of thought and the translation of Sufi terminologies. The present study examined the Sufi school by exploring the main topographies and features in the lexicon of Tarjuman Al-Ashwāq. The most prominent manifestations of the lingual choice appeared in Sufi poetry, suggesting the existence of a recognized accidental relationship having a unique style of expression. Preferring the symbol over the meaning without declaring it is the beauty of Sufi poetry. Researchers found the Old Arabian colloquial and an Andalusia, which indicates the poet’s cultural diversity; for instance, Poem 11, sung by the Moroccan Sufi group. Additionally, the recording illustrates that these verses are still being recited and listened to within the Islamic world, often within the folk music tradition. The terminologies define translation, literature, and the basic principles based on the thoughts of the Sufi school and aim to show their traditional understandings’ of optimistic and opposing sides. |
Keyword(s): |
Tarjuman Al-Ashwāq,Sufi Terminologies, Sufi Symbolism, Literary Devices, Ibn Arabi, Sufi Poetry, Foundations, Traditional Concept. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Syed Munwar Abbas 2.Muhammad Iqbal Shah 3. Hafiza Sadia Jawaid |
Abstract: |
The theme of this research paper is the explanation and critical evaluation of the concept “Well-Being” with especial reference to the aspects which Mr. Scanlon has skipped. He defined this term with particular reference of Materialism and specific socioeconomic frame work. But for us, the Muslims who believe in religious metaphysics, this is not a sufficient explanation. Ours whole lives depend on the metaphysical and after life “Well Being” which is amid at even on the sacrifice of the material gains. Well Being may be a terrestrial matter for atheist people but for us it is life encompassing fact. Here such values will be presented which contribute to that concept and make life really “Well-Being”. |
Keyword(s): |
Altruism, Experiential Living, Hedonism, Linguistic Analysis, Metaphysical Well Being, Morality, Religious Ethics, Values |

Author(s): |
1.Ms. Saima Mubashra 2. Dr. Ghazala Kausar |
Abstract: |
Despite being a seemingly universal signifier, (un) truthfulness is a cultural concept. It runs the risk of being wrongly interpreted if corresponding cultural systems and moral values are ignored in the meaning-making process. This study explores the concept of (un)truthfulness in Pakistani culture with special reference to Islamic teachings. As the widely recognised and respected moral beliefs in Pakistani society are derived mainly from the religion Islam, it is imperative to explore the religious component of cultural thought surrounding the topics of Truth and lying. Adopting the Ethnopragmatic approach, the study tries to explore the cultural antecedents of some of the Urdu vocabulary items and traces their etymological connection with the Islamic perspective on Truth and Lying. The close correspondence between the lexical items used to denote Truth and lying and the Islamic tenets also reveals that the moral vocabulary in the Urdu language is deeply infused with the dominant religious ideology. The results show that Urdu vocabulary consistently reflects the superior value of Truth as a word of God and the absolute moral prohibition of lying found in Islam. Furthermore, Urdu lexical items also replicate the enduring and sustainable nature of Truth found in Islamic tradition. Contrarily, lying is always considered devoid of ascendency, permanence and sustenance. |
Keyword(s): |
Truthfulness, Lying, Ethnopragmatics. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Humaira Ahmad |
Abstract: |
Islamic feminist paradigm has gained momentum in the last decade among the Muslims societies where feminist started inducing gender equality and gender justice from Qur‘ānic interpretations and religious teachings. Islamic feminists have challenged the patriarchal writings and have highlighted how subjective orientation of the Islamic text and tradition has been used as a manipulative tool by the male scholars and writers. According to Islamic Feminists, Muslim male jurists had tried to represent Islam in patriarchal manner which is quite visible in their interpretation of the Holy Qur‘ān and their explanation of the concepts of Ijtihad, Tafsir, Qawwamun and Parda or veil. Islamic feminist writers aim to redefine the notions of gender equality and patriarchy within religious interpretations and are working to provide an accurate representation of gender equality in their writings. Certain limitations and restrictions are visible in the writings of Islamic feminists. Islamic feminism has been criticized for being a ―western product‖ and has been accused of promoting western ideals of equality and gender roles. However, introducing the concept womanism can help them in removing all ambiguities and redefined Islamic feminism, winning over the trust of the masses once again. This article deals with an insight into the Islamic Feminism, its historical development, epistemological stance and an appraisal. |
Keyword(s): |
Islamic Feminism, Patriarchy, Qawwama, Qur‘ān and Hadith. |

Author(s): |
ASOGWA, Christopher Ikechukwu |
Abstract: |
Every epistemology, nay theory of Knowledge must give a befitting account of truth as against falsehood, error or lies. Thus, truth is concerned with questions such as: what it is to be the truth? Can one ever be sure that one has discovered the truth? Can we ever have reasonable assurance that we have the truth? What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of a statement being true? An inquiry for truth is a request for information either about what is said when something is asserted as true or about the condition under which it might rightly be so asserted. Issues and more like the above have created the problems of definition of truth, how to be certain about truth and how to know the truth, which in this essay I have chosen to refer to as the poverty of truth. In this essay, using the methods of philosophical exposition and analysis, I argued that truth is never definable, knowable and certain, and that these (which I have chosen to understand as the poverty of truth) have serious implications in matters of health. |
Keyword(s): |
Epistemology; health; truth; post-truth; logic; probability; certainty; illusion; inductive logic; knowledge. |

Author(s): |
1.Muhammad Nouman Hameed 2. Dr. Muhammad Ahmed |
Abstract: |
The Islamic banking industry in Pakistan is evolving rapidly over the last decade. Islamic banks are growing in a competitive environment with other conventional banks, but still, there are several challenges that they have to address in order to compete with conventional banks. These include employees‘ misunderstandings regarding Islamic banking, its operations, products, and services. Importantly, the knowledge and competence in Islamic banking employees especially in sales force while dealing with their customers have been questioned. Drawing on social cognitive theory, this study aims to investigate impact of sales force product knowledge on performance with intervening role of self-efficacy and moderating role of supervisory support in the context of Bank Islami Pakistan. Survey data of 447 employees (sales force) were collected from 54 cities all over Pakistan. Structural equation modeling was employed using SMART PLS. Results indicate that sales force product knowledge has a positive impact on self-efficacy. Similarly, self-efficacy positively influences sales force performance. However, sales force product knowledge does not have any impact on sales force performance. As a result, self-efficacy fully mediates the relationship between sales force product knowledge and sales force performance. Further analysis reveals that supervisory support positively moderates between selfefficacy and sales force performance. Theoretical and managerial implications have been discussed. |
Keyword(s): |
Sales force Product knowledge; Sales force Performance, Sales force self-efficacy, Supervisory Support, Islamic Banking, Pakistan |

Author(s): |
Shafiq ur Rehman |
Abstract: |
The Holy Quran was revealed in the mother language of the Arabs. The miracle of this book, addressing the native speakers in their own language, is that the words and methods to which the people of Makkah were well aware, the Holy Quran used the same words and styles in such a beautiful manner as the listeners felt dumb before it. Arabic, among other world languages, has a unique status owing to its linguistic and meaning related qualities. One of the characteristics of Arabic language used in the Holy Quran is the style of prepositional and postpositional of words in a sentence element. In any sentence, the prepositional and postpositional styles are adopted to achieve a lexical and semantic advantage. The style of prepositional and postpositional is used in both Arabic prose and poetry. It enables the speaker or writer to precede whatever he wishes for the purpose of meaning or order of importance or chronological order. This style is also used in many verses of the Holy Quran. Whenever the Holy Quran adopts this style of speech, it is not just a coincidence, but there is a strong reason behind it and it has several semantic and lexical impacts and advantages. One aspect of prepositional and postpositional is that sometimes by recognizing this style in a Quranic composition, we get more meaning from a verse and this additional meaning would not conflict with the meaning which is the known meaning of the verse. |
Keyword(s): |
Holy Quran, miracle, prepositional, postpositional, prose, poetry, chronological order, semantic, lexical, Quranic composition. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Hajra Mariam 2 Sara Fatima |
Abstract: |
About one third part of the Quranic verses consists of historical stories. The series of stories and event in the Noble Quran are related to the ancient nations. These narrations of different prophets and their nations are mentioned throughout the Quran and each time these stories are narrated in different context. People usually question the repetitive style of the Quranic narrations. There are different elements involved in the exegesis of the Quran and context is one of them. Context plays an important role in the interpretation of the Divine Word. The aspect of Context is also apparent in the stories of Quran. This article aims at exploring the vital part of context in understanding the recurrent feature of the Quran. It also analyses that the Quranic stories are directly linked with the context as their interpretation closely liaison with them. If the reader is unfamiliar with this feature, it will be difficult to comprehend the style and the lessons of the stories. Keeping in view this component of the Quran, new lessons and various insights can be inferred from each story. This article demonstrates the examples of the narrations of the specific prophets which highlights the significance and meaningfulness of the context. Hence all the Quranic Stories are context bound, not context free. This also proves that stories mentioned in the Quran are coherent and they have thematic connectivity.. |
Keyword(s): |
Quran, Context, Stories, repetitive, lessons. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Fariha Anjum 2. Dr. Asma Shahid |
Abstract: |
Brief exegeses have an eminent roll among Quranic exegeses in twentieth century. This article is based on the eight contemporary brief exegeses of twentieth century and presents an analytical study of their influences on the post exegetical literature. In this regard, brief and detailed, all kinds of exegeses have been studied including all schools of thoughts. As the language is urdu, every mufassir writes in his own manner, though he makes sure to adopt the style of Salf Salehin, which they have admitted in their own exegeses. Among these, tafsīr uthmānī is the most prominent, whose jurisprudential and theological discussions are followed in later exegeses. Likewise, Ashraf alhawāshī has also been followed by later salafī scholars. Juristic reasoning, grammatical analysis, interconnection of ayat, condemnation of false beliefs, and other various styles has been adopted. In short, these exegeses have become the primary source to transfer these styles to the later generation. |
Keyword(s): |
: Brief exegesis, contemporary, urdu, influences, primary source. |

Author(s): |
Dr Mehr Din |
Abstract: |
Undoubtedly, disobedience to what Allah has revealed is one of the major sins. But to what extent is it correct to call the general public or the Muslim ruler out of Islam due to a major sin? While he does not believe that his actions are right or justified, rather he considers them wrong but does not make a decision according to divine will due to any compulsion. So, will the perpetrator of this be considered a tyrant and transgressor, or will he be considered an infidel or excluded from Islam? This issue is very sensitive nowadays. Its misinterpretation and application will have far-reaching consequences. Therefore, time is needed to clarify the true situation of this problem. In the article under review, the Shari'a status of the rulers who committed the non-confirmation of Anzallullah will be examined. |
Keyword(s): |
disobedience, rulers, revealed, infidel, misinterpretation. |

Author(s): |
Shazia Manzoor |
Abstract: |
It is a comprehensive Arabic book based on Qur'anic information and characteristics, in which the opinions of the early and late imams regarding the sciences of the Qur'an have been reviewed on an essential and somewhat extensive level. Even before this, scholars like Allama Ibn Al-Jawzi, Allama Jalaluddin Suyuti, Imam Badruddin Zarakshi, Allama Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Saeed Ibn Aqilah, etc., have done great works, but those works are a little extensive compared to him and for the Muslims of the present age. It is also very important to be aware of the hidden treasures of science and knowledge in the Holy Quran, for example, what secrets does the Holy Quran reveal about this universe, the birth of the universe, the creation of humanity, the division of atoms, the pairing of everything, the transplanting of trees by air, oxygen, and embryos. What was mentioned in the Qur'an?As well as other sciences and parables, how was the Qur'an collected? Information about famous commentaries and their styles and classes of commentators. It is reading in seven recitations and the introduction of the seven styles of recitations, as well as which recitation is accepted to us, giving scientific answers to the doubts of the atheistic mindset, etc. All these subjects are covered in the book under consideration. Of course, this book is equally useful for every person from different walks of life. This is the reason why it was necessary to carry it over to Urdu from the Arabic language for the convenience of the students, and layman's knowledge. Many people have continued to make translations and elucidations and summarise them. Therefore, in order to take advantage of these translations it was mandatory to translate and be made palpable for use by students, teachers, and the general public. |
Keyword(s): |
Significance of Quranic sciences,principlesof Qur’anic translation and recitation, compilation and the miraculous of the Quran. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr Nomana Khalid |
Abstract: |
: Understanding the Qur’an as it is and communicating its messages in the true spirit of Revelation have always been recognized by the Muslims unanimously ever since the time of the Companions of the Last Prophet (s.a.w.). Experts of the Qur’an (mufassirun) in the golden period of Islamic history, in its classical period, in its medieval period, in its post medieval period, and in its pre-modern period had been unanimous over the significance and role of three basic rules in reaching the meaning of the Qur’anic verses and their interpretation: (1) the Qur’an interprets the Qur’an, (2) the Sunnah interprets the Qur’an, and (3)the fundamental Arabic grammatical rules [Al-Qawa’id al-Lughawiyyah al-Usuliyyah]. Al-Qawa’id al-Lughawiyyah al-Usuliyyah must be taken into serious consideration when reading and understanding the Holy Qur’an.So,‘Khaas’ is an intial and important part of Al-Qawa’id al-Lughawiyyah al-Usuliyyah. In this article,the details of kha’as,i.e. definition, examples, rules and its role in interpretation of Holy Quran has been disscussed. |
Keyword(s): |
Standard Lexical Rules, Tafseeri Literature, Fundamental Arabic Grammatical Rules |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Jamila Shaukat 2.Dr. Ayesha Jabeen |
Abstract: |
Al-Jᾱmi‘ al-Ṣaḥῑḥ is considered one of the most authentic books of ḥadīth compiled by the proficient muḥaddīth Imᾱm Muslim (d.261 A.H.).The foremost commentary of this compendium was presented by a remarkable scholar of al-maghrib Imᾱm Mᾱzirῑ (d.536 A.H.) under the name al- Mu‘lim bi Fawᾱiˈd Muslim. He elucidated the selected Aḥᾱdīth from selected chapters of al-Jᾱmi‘ al-Ṣaḥῑḥ. Observing the need for an exhaustive and detailed interpretation, another eminent scholar of al-maghrib Qᾱḍῑ ‘Iyᾱḍ (d.544 A.H.) authored the commentary entitled Ikmᾱl al- Mu‘lim bi Fawᾱiˈd Muslim in continuation of Imᾱm Mᾱzirῑ ’s sterling work. This article aims to exhibit the distinctive services of an illustrious muḥaddīth Qᾱḍῑ ‘Iyᾱḍ and demonstrate the salient features of his noteworthy commentary Ikmᾱl al- Mu‘lim. |
Keyword(s): |
Commentary of Ḥadīth, Al-Jᾱmi‘ al-Ṣaḥῑḥ, Qᾱḍῑ ‘Iyᾱḍ, Ikmᾱl al- Mu‘lim bi Fawᾱiˈd Muslim. |

Author(s): |
1.Muhammad Abdur Rehman 2.Dr. Hafiz Abdul Basit Khan |
Abstract: |
This article is targeted to present a brief research-based discussion of the theoretical and practical aspects of Ijma’. In Sunni theology, consensus (Ijma’) is considered the third source of Islamic jurisprudence after the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is defined as the universal agreement of muslim scholars. The consensus of the companions of the Holy Prophet is placed at the highest rank among the types of consensus because they have been declared as the most pious and rightest people after the prophets. Their agreement on a sharia’h ruling is considered a source of law to an extent that it is placed in the position of a verse of the Holy Qur’an. Muslim jurists have authenticated a number of theological and jurisprudential issues with the ijma’. According to a large group of scholars and jurists, whoever denies the consensus of the Companions is a disbeliever, but the condition is that the issue on which the consensus has been reached must be definitely proven. |
Keyword(s): |
Islrudence; Consensus; Ijma; Companions; Sahaba |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Abdul Rehman Khalid Madni 2. Amara Amin |
Abstract: |
Individual and collective life can be peaceful only when the individual focuces on individual reformation because the society is formed by the individuals.Reformation will be possible only when one corrects his moral. It is essential to achieve the goals.It means purification. To purify ourselves from moral evils, which is one of the objectives of the mission of the prophet (peace be upon him). Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran declared the successful person who realizes his evil deeds and made a commitment to correct them.Due to the positive changes, a charcterful society is formed. A person's personality is a reflection of external characteristics.Morals worship and affairs play an important role in butifying the inner self. For the correctness of moral, Itis necessary to keep the heart free from shirk, corruption and vices.purification in acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, zakat, Hajj with sincerity etc, brings closeness to Allah.Along with developing humbleness in worship, one should also avoid lying, cheating and dishonesty in his matters so then his personality will be developed. It is the secret due to which social peace can also be achieved |
Keyword(s): |
Purification, Worship, dishonesty, moral character |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Sumera Rabia 2. Dr. Amir Hayat 3. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Arif |
Abstract: |
Islam is the religion of peace and security, and its followers were trained in such a way that discipline in every sphere, every field and every level of life became a part of their life. But now a days disorder and mismanagement is spread all around. No matter where you are in life, it is devoid of discipline. Whether it is individual life or collective, political or economic, educational or commercial, daily affairs or the conduct of politics, chaos, disorder and anarchy will be seen everywhere. What should be the ways to discipline the masses of Islamic State in the light of Seerah? The findings of this research are: We have to suppress all the elements that cause disorder and chaos in the society. So that discipline can be created in the people. Today we see that there is a sense of urgency among the people. There is a great lack of patience and forbearance. That is why there is a lack of discipline not only at the individual but also at the collective level. If we want to develop as a nation, we need a proper following of the path of the Holy Prophet, one must not only adopt his path of education, training and legislation but also promote it properly and encourage it. |
Keyword(s): |
Discipline, Seerah, Applied Studies, People |

Author(s): |
Dr. Syed Bacha Agha |
Abstract: |
During the birth of Islam, the polytheists persecuted the Muslims, those who proclaimed belief in one God and God’s messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This resulted in Prophet Muhammad’s suggestion to them to leave Mecca and seek protection in Abyssinia. The first journey in the history of Islam was the migration of Muslims to Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia). Muslims can reflect on a number of issues concerning the migration to Abyssinia, among them: It is important for Muslims to learn to eloquently interact with non-Muslims in clarifying and enlightening others about Islam. Historians agree that the migration took place on two different occasions. The first one occurred in the fifth year of the Proclamation of Islam in the month of Rajab. The exact time of the 2nd migration is unknown. However, Ja‘farian states that there was only a short gap between the two migrations, because both migrations happened before the Quresh drafted and signed in the 7th year after the Proclamation a document that ordered the Bani Hashim to surrender or they would be subjected to economic and social boycott. Therefore, the time in between the two migrations could not have extended for more than two to three years. Ja‘far ibn Abi Talib’s method of invitation during the 2nd migration demonstrates the importance of leadership and knowledge of Islamic doctrines when coming into contact with a foreign nation. He did not merely invited the Negus to Islam in his speech; rather, he described the Prophet, his character, Islam’s rulings and its effect upon those who were under the influence of the Jahiliyya customs |
Keyword(s): |
migration of Muslims to Abyssinia. The Prophetic Style of Invitation |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Abdul Razzaq 2.Dr. Muhammad Afzal |
Abstract: |
The education curriculum of any country is the real guarantor of the protection of that nation's philosophy of life, moral values, national and social tendencies, religious and cultural preferences. The Madrasahs of Pakistan have many merits in the current curriculum, but the curriculum of Sirat-ul-Nabi (peace be upon him) is insufficient and it does not fulfill the moral, social and academic needs of the society. In this critical review of the popular biography curriculum in Pakistani madrassas will be presented, in which the merits and demerits of the popular biography curriculum will be discussed and then the lines and methods, styles, methods and discussions of biography will be described. Based on this, the curriculum of the madrasahs can be made compatible with the contemporary demands and needs, new dimensions and contemporary trends so that all the faculties of the madrasahs are fully developed and they not only live according to the contemporary demands but also according to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). |
Keyword(s): |
Madrasahs, curriculum, Sirat-ul-Nabi, contemporary demands. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Tahira Abdul Quddoos 2. Dr. Fouzia Fiaz |
Abstract: |
Allah Almighty has blessed human beings with the sense of Aesthetics. Soothing sound of flowing water, voice of Quill mandolin, Chattering of Sparrow as well as, Peaceful voice of Azan, Sweet recitation of Holy Quran pacifies the soul. Man usually remained doubtful about the “use of Musical Instruments”. It will highlighted that either music is permissible in Islam or not? It is said that music can relax and energize human mind and” Music is food for the soul” To elaborate its meaning and to know its status in Islam; it will be discussed in this paper. It will be explained either it is allowed with some specific conditions? Or strictly prohibited in Islam? In this regard, the opinion of four Islamic schools of Thought will be explained. |
Keyword(s): |
Aesthetic, Islam, Music, Permission, Prohibition |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Shahzada Imran Ayub 2.Muhammad Riaz |
Abstract: |
Sale of unoccupied goods refers to those goods which are not in the possession of the seller and the buyer, whether the thing is actually present or not, i.e. selling the thing before taking possession of it or the sale of something that does not exist, but it is to be bought from someone and given to the buyer. So all such cases are prohibited by Shariāh laws. However, the forms of possession can be different, so if that thing is countable, then possession will be by counting and if it is measurable, then possession will be by measuring and measuring. Additionally, the buyer will also move and store it in his premises. If the thing sold can be held in the hand, for example: jewels or books etc., then when Jupiter takes it in hand, it will be the rightful possession. If the thing sold cannot be transferred to another place, eg: houses, land and fruits on trees, etc., then its possession will be such that there is no obstacle for Jupiter to take control of the land and dispose of it like an owner. However, scholars and jurists have divided movable and immovable goods in terms of legal and illegal in the process of buying and selling non-occupied goods. It has been declared illegal to resell movable goods without taking them into possession after measuring and weighing them, but even in this, if a pile of grain has been sold with an estimate, it has been declared permissible to sell it without taking it into possession. And in the case of immovable goods such as land, houses, etc., it is permissible to sell them without taking them into possession. A legitimate form of sale of unoccupied goods is Bai' Salam, which is permitted subject to certain conditions, even though the Bai' is of a thing which the seller does not possess at the time of the transaction. There is proof in the Aaḥīth of the validity of Bai’ Salam, the main condition of which is that the buyer pays the full price in advance and the gender, characteristics and date and place of delivery of the seller are fixed |
Keyword(s): |
Unoccupied things, Aaḥīth, Buyer, Seller, Bai` Salam, Prohibited, Land, Homes, Business. |

Author(s): |
1.Muhammad Aslam Mughal 2. Dr. Nadeem Abbas |
Abstract: |
There is no doubt in fact that there have been many prophets in history; In fact, for every age and every nation of the world, there was a Prophet sent by Allah, to guide the people on the right path. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the greatest and the last prophet of Allah. This is the known fact among Ummah that there will be no prophet after him. But many a false and liars claimed to be the prophet of Allah after the finality of our Holy Prophet, Muhammad PBUH. Upon their false clamation, many a Muslim scholars addressed them and the Ummah about their false hood. Among them is Hakeem Mahmood Ahmed Zafar. He is a known scholar of Islam. He is also a famous Historian and expert in Seerah. He wrote a book about Qadianiat and proved that is no more a Fitna in Ummah and promotes only falsehood and negativity. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani's claim of being the Mahdi and the Promised Messiah and then final Nabi, have been conclusively proven to be wrong by him, by bringing to light contradiction in his own argument from his books. The particular argument of Mirza Sahib which was claimed to be dazzling like the sun, and according to his followers made his opponents ran way from him like lambs run away from lion, has been proven wrong beyond doubt. Since the fallacy of these claims has been exposed, Mirza Sahib's claim of being a Nabi or a Prophet also automatically becomes bogus. A True Nabi cannot make false claim.The article deals with the iterpretations of Hakeem Mahmood about Qadianiat. It explains the style, authenticity and reality of the Book: ‘’ Qadyaniat: A rebilion against the Prophethood of Holy Prophet: Muhammad PBUH’’.. |
Keyword(s): |
Qadianiat, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, A Rebilion Against the Prophethood of Holy Prophet: Muhammad PBUH. |

Author(s): |
1.Dr. Mumtaz-ul-Hassan 2. Syed Sajjad Haider 3.Muhammad Abu Bakar |
Abstract: |
In every society, the concept of spirituality has existed. Either old religions or modern school of thoughts, both of these have specific points of views and practices regarding this. The Act of Spirituality and self’s purification has centered place in Islamic teachings like other religions In Islamic Religion seeking spirituality is not just for spiritual and mental satisfaction but its main purpose to attain God’s will and access to him. In contrast, according to modern religion-less thought, the goal of spirituality is only the attainment of spiritual satisfaction. Nowadays many atheists try to give the impression that a person can become a good Sufi, monk, ascetic or yogi without following a particular religion. This modern conception of spirituality has created a new form of skepticism in the semi-religious classes. This situation is a product of postmodernist ideas aimed at refuting religious ideologies and promoting anti-religion ideologies. This analytical method of research will shed light on the fact that the foundations of modern atheistic spiritual theories are invalid and the religious concepts for the attainment of spirituality are based on reality and certainty. |
Keyword(s): |
Abrahamic Religions, Postmodernist ideas, Skepticism. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Jamil Akhtar |
Abstract: |
There are societies in which religion has a greater impact than others have, when it comes to political influence. Scholars can define the term religious conflict in different ways however, in all of them, the religious conflict is defined as a disagreement between two or more religious groups. The purpose of this article is to explain why religious conflicts arise and then become so intense that people start calling each other unfair and wrong. Even in some cases, people issue fatwas justifying the killing of anyone who disagrees with their point of view or does not think it is right. Because of pointing out these reasons, people will have a better understanding of them and will be able to avoid misunderstandings, and peace situation may improve as well across the world. |
Keyword(s): |
Conflict, Peace, Religion, Terrorism, Violence, War.. |

Author(s): |
1.Fraz Ahmad 2. Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad Sadeedi Al Azhari 3. Munir Hussain |
Abstract: |
Prophets and Messengers are the best and highest people in the world and these prophets have been mentioned in various places in the Holy Quran. As among these prophets, one of the most determined prophets is Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). Both the Qur'an and the Torah agree on the name of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). The Torah explains. Contrary to the Quranic teachings, the reason for the general slaughter of boys in the Torah is the increasing population of Bani Israel.According to Holy Qur'an, Hazrat Musa was brought up by Pharaoh's wife (Hazrat Asia), while according to Torah, he was raised by Pharaoh's daughter. Along with this, Holy Qur'an has also mentioned the miracles given to Hazrat Musa along with the virtues and perfections of Hazrat Musa.. |
Keyword(s): |
Introduction Hazrat Musa(pbuh), Quranic Teaching, Torah Teaching, Bani Israil . |