Epistemology Jan 2019

Author(s): |
Dr.zainab Akram, Dr. Sabeen Akbar |
Abstract: |
It may stretch from a couple of months to years and might include the lodgings too. The madrassa education is imparted in Arabic and comprising the major part of teachings in native or regional language. Scholars join university for the purpose after finishing aalam course or other short madrassa courses with matriculation in school. The HEC recognized universities offer curriculum in English as medium and mode, with exception of a few. But the compulsory courses of functional English are also to get through, as they are credited and bear a good percentage and weightage in overall result. Besides, the degree is not awardable, unless the compulsory courses are cleared. The madrassa scholars are found to face problems in scoring upto passing percentage in English curriculum and courses. A number of studies have been conducted on attitudes towards English language, but there is almost no research on attitudes of university under graduates towards English language, particularly towards the students who have received some education in madrassas for various purposes. The present research focuses on the attitudes of under graduates towards English as a language. The results of the questionnaires were depicted in percentage. To gather more information, semi structured interviews were also conducted with about 10 participants. The interviews are qualitatively and thematically analyzed focusing on the language issues at madrassas. The findings reveal that the students agree that for achieving a university degree, English is essential and that their incapacity of acquiring English language had been the result of multiple social, political, cultural and economic issues, which involves the trends, mind sets and norms followed at madrassas and at home. |
Keyword(s): |
Madrassas, education, academic language, English language |

Author(s): |
Prof.Dr.Israr Ahmad Khan |
Abstract: |
The Qur‟an declares that it is for the man and about the man (21:10). It addresses the man in his both capacities as an individual and as a social being. It seems very much concerned about the development of man from all angles, social, political, economic, educational, intellectual, cultural, moral, and spiritual (17:23-37). The society it seeks to develop and set up on the earth ensures peace and harmony among various sections of the setting (60:4-8). The salient features of the human society from the Islamic perspective are: (1) Total Submission to God, (2) Intellectual Freedom, (3) Material Prosperity, (4) Moral Upliftment, (5) Unity in Diversity, (6) Caring and Sharing Approach, (7) Honor to Human Rights, (8) Multi-Culturalism, (9) Full Blooming of Knowledge, and (10)Development of Man. This paper represents a humble reflection on these dimensions of human society as conceived by the Qur‟an. |
Keyword(s): |
Ideal Human, Submission to God, Multi-Culturalism |

Author(s): |
Khalid Mehmood |
Abstract: |
This is natural that every school of thought is built on some distinctive opinions & views and in debates and discussions some primary books of each school of thought are referred and cited. Foundation of Hanafi juristic school has been raised on its fundamental books written by eminent ancient jurists. Six famous books of Imam Muhammad that are called Kutub Zahir al-Riwayah are considered basic monographs. The other books includes al-Mabsut by al-Sarkhasi, Bidai al-Sanai fi tartib al-sharai by Kasani, Alhidayah by Al-Marghinani, Tanvir al-Absar by al-Tumartashi. The article provides biographical information of each jurist. Each book has been appraised critically. The review of each book contains comments on methodology of the book and reflection of its contents. The article has been written in analytical mode. |
Keyword(s): |
Hanafi Juristic, Kutub Zahir al-Riwayah, Al-Mabsoot. : |

Author(s): |
Dr Usman Ahmad |
Abstract: |
The Prophet Yousuf (a.s.) is one of prominent messengers of Allah who spent his life merely for the sake of Allah and faced many troubles and distresses. The Quran includes a complete Chapter with his name. He was tested with multiple hardships and sufferings by Allah almighty to make him an ideal for coming nations.The chapter Yousuf was revealed for contentment and gratification of the Last Prophet (s.a.w.) and his disciples. The articles provides exegetical findings and inferences from chapter Yousuf. It has been proved by that in chapter Yousaf there are directions for preachers of Islam. The exampalory behavior and manners shown by Yousuf a.s. during imprisonment are amodel for Muslim Ummah. |
Keyword(s): |
Preacher to Allah, Sura Yousuf, Muslim Ummah. |

Author(s): |
Hafiza Sabiha Munir ,Azeem Sarwar |
Abstract: |
A Prominent name among the Prophethood era to whome the letters containing the preaching of Islam were sent is “Najashi”. Having been vexed by the oppressions of Makkans, the Muslims migrated to Habsha first. Najashi embrased Islam on the hands of Jafar bin Abi Talib. He treated well to the muslim emigrants and supported them from national exchequer. He assisted them traditionally so that they may improve their economic conditions. Amidst the most important service of Najashi, it is the most important thing that he not only embrased Islam but also performed dear services for the Propoagation of Islam. This great personality passed away on 9 A.H. The Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was informed about his death through oracle and He (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said his funeral prayer invisibly. |
Keyword(s): |
Najashi, Personality, Character, Deence of Islam. |

Author(s): |
zafar iqbal |
Abstract: |
Maulana Abd al. Shukur Lakhnavi was a famous religiois scholar who sepnt his life for the sake of Islam. He defended believes ogical petter. His academic and rituals Islam in a unique theolcontribution in religious literature is also commendable. His lettets addressed to dignitories, religious scholars, friends, relatives and common men valuable from the perspective of academic and religious ensional discussions and topics of these letters guidance. His multidimmake them very beneficial for students, reseachers and scholars. In my letters he seems as a preacher of Islam who has deep love for his religion ator who puts and has aimed to defend it. In some letters he is a great debhis viewpoint with powerful arguments. In some letters, he is a good friend who is expressing his deep sorrow on demise of any relative of.friends. In some.letters he is sufi saint who is disclosing secrets of s handsome information about his letters' spirtual life. This article give methodology, subjects and literary patterns |
Keyword(s): |
laknavi, rituals theological, letters, |

Author(s): |
1Dr. Muhammad Mumtaz Ali Khan 2.Muhammad Ramzan 3.Yasir Munir |
Abstract: |
The legislature in every country has the significant role of law making. However, being an Islamic Country, Pakistan has an Islamic legal system. According to the constitution of Pakistan no law can be made which is against the basic norms of Islam. To maintain the checks and balances on the legislative assembly regarding the promulgation of laws related to Islam through the amendment of the constitution of Pakistan, the Council of Islamic Ideology was formed. It is the council, which ensures the consistency and conformity of legislations with Sharia Law. It has an important role for the supremacy of Islam in Pakistan and has been frequently discussed in the recent past. This paper analyses the rationale behind the formation of this Council by looking into the history that dates back to the era of two-nation theory. Furthermore, the functioning and role of the council is to analyze critically from the perspective of the Constitution of Pakistan to evaluate its degree of effectiveness specially on the issues of the extent of its role as legislature in the presence of the parliament; it discusses some controversial verdicts issued by the Council. Furthermore, it throws light on the relevant provisions of law and its practice. |
Keyword(s): |
Council of Islamic Ideology of Pakistan, Provisions of law, Legislative role, Purpose, Controversial verdicts, Procedure of ruling |

Author(s): |
1. Bakht Munir 2.Dr. Naveed Ahmad 3. Ali Nawaz Khan |
Abstract: |
In order to govern the Indian subcontinent, the Mughals introduced a series of administrative and judicial reforms, which are still intact in India and Pakistan. In light of qualitative research methodology, this research article aimed to investigate, inter alia, the nature of state and the concept of sovereignty prevalent in the Mughal era, place of Shariah laws, and various means whereby public grievances were used to be addressed. This research also explicated that how the Mughal administration of justice influenced the English administration of justice and examined traces of the various principles of the Mughal administration of justice followed in modern democracies. The research has been concluded with the findings that though the Mughals were benevolent despots, who ruled with an iron hand, but were well abreast of the public welfare that led to the foundation of certain reforms, which were public oriented and effectively placed itself in modern democracies. |
Keyword(s): |
Mughals, administration, subcontinent, principles, traces, Pakistan, India, justice |

Author(s): |
1.Muhammad Afzal 2. Dr. Shams Ul Arifeen |
Abstract: |
The city state of Medina got different phases of evolution within ten years’ short duration and became a great Islamic state of which ruling boundaries were expanded from the boundaries of Iraq and Syria in the north to Yemen and Hadhramaut in the south, and from the Red Sea in the west to the Persian Gulf and the State of Iran in the east, and practically Prophetical authority was stamped on the complete peninsula of Arab.1Although in the beginning, the administration of Islamic state was established on the tribal traditions of Arab, however, soon it was transformed into the territory and central government. Arabs not only lacked of the centralization but also they were deprived of the concept of central and national government; because it placed obstacles in the way of their tribal freedom. They could not accept “foreign” government. It was the Messenger’s political miracle that he transformed Arab tribes, who were against the centralization, into a single tight-knit community, Umma, and he established a central government in place of their countless political units; the whole Arab either the urban or the rural obeyed it. Its main but solitary reason was that now the base of society and government was “Islam or religion” in place of “tribe or blood”. Now the political ideology of Islamic government was Islam and only Islam.2In regard of administrative frame, the administration of the Prophet’s government has three levels: 1) Central 2) Provincial 3) Local On the local level of administration, the chiefs of tribes, the local administrators, the heralds of the Prophet’s (PBUH) city, the judges and the market officers etc were included |
Keyword(s): |
service , sermonizers , Appointment , bureaucracy and administrative offices , Prophet’s reign .state officials. |