Epistemology Jan 2020

Author(s): |
Prof. Dr. Israr Ahmad khan |
Abstract: |
Family life makes both man and woman complete. It is only when family members follow certain rules. Otherwise, mere appearance of male and female as living together may not ensure the most desirable happiness. The Qur‟an outlines clear principles, which if observed sincerely, family well-being stands guaranteed. Some of those principles are: (1) Love and Compassion, (2) Moral Orientation of Family Members, (3) Refraining from Unlawful Livelihood, (4) Excellent Treatment, (5) Zero-Tolerance to Alcoholism and Gambling, (6) Total Abstinence from All Abominable Acts, and (7) Remembering Allah. An observation of family life today the world over may convince that family problems such as wife-husband clash of interests, parents-children conflict, inordinate stresses on one‟s own rights, divergence over likings and dis-likings in the life, intolerance, speaking lies, and backbiting are obviously consequent upon ignorance of the universal principles of happy family life as prescribed in the Qur‟an. The present paper will discuss the above-mentioned Qur‟anic principles for maintaining happy family life. |
Keyword(s): |
Family Well-Being, Qur‟anic Principles, Love, Sincerity, Moral Orientation. |

Author(s): |
Dr.Shaista Jabeen+ Mannan Omar |
Abstract: |
Allah Almighty has created human beings to lead his life in accordance with the Will of Allah Almighty. Islam being a religion of nature prescribes code of life for an individual as well as society. It intends to flourish a society of peace and for this purpose it has prescribed punishments for various wrongs committed by individuals. In most of the criminal cases imprisonment as punishment is awarded. Under the current judicial system an accused is kept behind the bars until proven guilty. Many legal jurists are doubtful about the legality of the imprisonment in Shariah. In this article we do explore the concept of imprisonment in Shariah and ascertain that whether the current Jail system serves the purpose well. |
Keyword(s): |
Jail System, Prison, Punishment, Shariah, hudood, Qisas, Diyat, Tazir. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Muhammad Ahmed+ Dr. Syed Ahmad Ali |
Abstract: |
Marketers today bombard messages on consumers through diverse advertisement channels without recognizing what consumers actually perceive about them. The selection of advertisement channels depends primarily upon the needs, preferences, lifestyle, and culture of the target market. Considering religion an important aspect of culture, this qualitative research uses interviewing technique and ascertains perception of nine Malaysian Muslim consumers about various advertising channels. Using convenience sampling, it further probes reasons for liking and disliking a particular advertisement channel. Findings indicate that TV has been liked the most among majority respondents. Contrarily, random advertisement emails are found the most disliked advertisement channel. Furthermore likes and dislikes pertaining to eight advertisement channels (TV, FM radio, Magazine, Newspaper, Pamphlet, Web site banners and popups, Emails and Billboards) have been highlighted individually. This study will help marketers determine both effective and ineffective advertisement channels in order to attract and retain Muslim consumers. Comparison of diversified channels will help managers discern the channel that Muslim consumers liked and disliked the most which will subsequently help in decision making. |
Keyword(s): |
Consumer, Advertisement, Channels, Decision Making. |

Author(s): |
Abdul Razzaq |
Abstract: |
The main objective of the Quranic exegesis is to understanding of the extracting the orders and statements. There is two major ways/ kinds of extracting the obligations. First of them is through the "Transcribed Method” in which cognizance of exegesis can be made easily, because "Transcribed Method” is basis on the sayings of ProphetMuhammad (PBUH), their companions & Ancestors.While the second is to extract or interpret Quranic verses using self-opinion, which is called Tafseer bil Rai, a term used often on interpreting Quran by self. with is As this is fact, that everydiscussion has their own method & every sort of knowledge has theirownexperts/specialists. So, it is obligatory to know the particular person/experts of the specific field. In this article, describes the importance of exegesis kinds of Transcribed Method & their basic sources |
Keyword(s): |
Quranic, exegesis, extracting, obligations, Transcribed Method, self opinion, Tafseer bil Rai. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Zil e Huma |
Abstract: |
The discpline of Hadith Studies is one of the richest and exclusive discipline of knowledge as its branches extends to hundred.The religious scholars had written thousands monographs concerning Hadith interpretations and explanations.Many voluminous works appeared and exist and each of them is a commendable contribution to Hadith explanations.one of significant works on Hadith explanations is"Takmila Fath-al-Mulhim" that is the result of scholastic efforts of many years by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani.This explanation of Hadith book Muslim was originated and finished till the"section of Marriage" by Allama shabbir Ahmad Usmani but he couldn't extend to it to the last chapter due to his political engagements and later his demise closed the chapter.Mufti Muhammad Taqi usmani completed the remaining work. Apart from other discussions, the morpholigical deliberations of words of Prophetic traditions have been taken under consideration in the commentaries in the book. The author mentions the root of the word, differences of linguists, etymology, phonology, synonyms, alternative expressions and vocal sounds etc where needed. The articles provides handsome information in this regards. |
Keyword(s): |
Morphology, Linguistics, etymology,phonology |

Author(s): |
Kalsoom Razaaq |
Abstract: |
Crime and punishment is the core part of all legal systems. The primary goal of punishment in Shariah is to prevent criminal activities and establish a just social and political system. Imprisonment is also a mode of punishment and was used in primal era of Islam. In the age of Prophet s.a.w. some evidences of imprisonment are found. In age of four Caliphate there was a proper system of jail and historians have mentioned how this system was established and functional. In the next two regimes namely Omayyad and Abbasid there were jails constructed in all big cities. This article gives brief information of jail system in ancient Islamic eras. |
Keyword(s): |
Crime, Punishment, Caliphate, Jail, Imprisonment |

Author(s): |
Farzana Khalid |
Abstract: |
The dreams and methodology to decipher them is very important in perspective of social, psychological and religious life of human beings. The dreams have impact upon our lives and we may be made pleased, horrified, optimized or puzzled by them. There are difference schools of thought about significance of dreams, their validity and interpretations. In primitive epoch dreams were believed sacred and messages from Gods. The article reveals how the dreams had been considered in different ancient nations like Greece, Egyptians and others. The articles informs that all dreams are not interpret able and some are illusions and hallucination. This also gives sufficient information about symbols and components of dreams. |
Keyword(s): |
Dream, Deciphering, Revealation, Illusions. |

Author(s): |
Dr. Aqeel Ahmad+Dr. Shamsul Arifeen |
Abstract: |
There are three basic dimensions of human life thoughts, worship (ٰIbadat) and matters. Thoughts belongs to faith worship (Ibadat) connected with Shariah and matters depends on morality. Faith and worship help to the development of ethical behaviors. Good ethical behavior is fruit of purified thoughts and deeds. One of the objects of the Revelation of last Prophet Muhammad was to completion of morality. Because of the importance and influence of ethics, in every era Muslim Scholars discussed the ethics according to their intellect. In South Asia, renowned Philosopher, scholar and poet Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal presented his ideas for the betterment of Muslims circumstances both individually and collectively. Iqbal was specially focused on thought and character purification. According to Iqbal with the help of purified thought and character prosperous society came in to being. In this paper an attempt was made to discussed the importance and influences of morality in the light of Iqbal’s Thought.. |
Keyword(s): |
Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم, Allama, Iqbal, Ishq, Wafa, Akhlaq, Samaj, Islam. |